
In November 1605, the infamous Gunpowder Plot took place in which some Catholics plotted to blow up the English Parliament and King James l, on the day set for the king to open Parliament. The men were angry because the king had treated them badly and they didn't like it.
The story is remembered each 5th November when 'Guys' are burned in a celebration known as "Bonfire

When Queen Elizabeth 1st took the throne of England she made some laws against the Roman Catholics. Guy Fawkes was one of a small group of Catholics who felt that the government was treating Roman Catholics unfairly. They hoped that King James 1st would change the laws, but he didn't.

Catholics had to practise their religion in secret. There were even fines for people who didn't attend the Protestant church on Sunday or on holy days. James lst passed more laws against the Catholics when he became king.

A group of men led by Robert Catesby, plotted to kill King James and blow up the Houses of Parliament, the place where the laws that governed England were made.

Gunpowder Plotの意味は薬陰謀事件。1605年11月、卑劣な火薬事件が起きた。イングランドで発覚した政府転覆未遂事件のことで、イングランド国教会優遇政策の下で弾圧されていたカトリック教徒の過激派によって計画されたものであった。首謀者はロバート・ケイツビー、実行責任者はガイ・フォークスだった。上院議場の地下に仕掛けた大量の火薬を用いて、1605年11月5日の開院式に出席する国王ジェームズ1世らを爆殺する陰謀を企てたけれども、実行直前にバレてしまい失敗に終わった。これにちなんだ祭事が毎年イギリス各地で開催されている。


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